Someone was quoting Anthony Robbins to me the other day. If you don’t recognize the name, he is a “motivational speaker” and has sold millions of books and audio materials, for many years now. We support, as a society, countless motivational speakers. We buy their books, go to their seminars, sign up for weekends of therapy…and what is the result?? Well, there are many RICH motivational speakers out there now. Big business. Big money. And there are many who aspire to join their ranks.

I have read the books. I have “bought the cool aid”, so to speak. It’s so easy to get motivated when the “easy” steps are laid out in front of you. But when it comes down to reality, not many of us can maintain that “rah rah” attitude for long. We get tired of the ten easy steps and the mantras we are told to repeat to ourselves. They don’t seem to work. And one of the reasons they can’t work, is because we quit after a few days. We then move onto the next best seller….see if they offer us an easier solution to our messy lives.

There are no easy solutions. Ten easy steps? Forget about it. I keep reiterating the same point it seems…life is quite simple. When we take an honest look at ourselves, and see what REALLY makes us tick, that’s when we can take the steps forward and make a difference. What makes you tick? What motivates you? Is it negative or positive? Is it envy, bitterness, anger…or some twisted competition? Is it a genuine want and need to see a change? Or is it to get someone else’s attention?

Negative motivation will not bring the help and peace you need in your life. “Winning” in life means that we get to the finish line and hear the words, “welcome…good work, my faithful servant”! Nothing else. No relationship, job, status, looks, popularity or money will get you to this point. It’s when we can release the bondage that holds us to these earthly pursuits, that life becomes simple. We can take a sigh of relief and look around and say…”It honestly doesn’t matter, I am at peace with whatever comes…nothing and no one are perfect, and I accept it. My life will now start to reflect the pursuit of Gods will.”

The best self help book is most likely in your home…unread and forgotten. Why don’t you pick it up and follow the “ten steps” written in there? Maybe start from 1 Corinthians 13.


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