Our church had a potluck this last Sunday afternoon. I couldn’t help but notice that the food on the table is a direct example of how many types of people there are around us. This world is so diverse, and so colorful. We have sour, sweet, salty, soggy, high fat, lean, stiff, wilted, uncooked and the bland. When you think of these words….you can see a person that goes with it, right? Haha. When you add colors to the flavors…! Wow! Yet, as a potluck, and mixed on your plate…they taste good together. Well, maybe not all of them…but it’s always worth the try.

I just needed to point this out to myself…I need to embrace the flavors more. So many of us are comfortable living in a “vanilla” world that we don’t want to taste the other flavors. Staying stiff and uncooked might be what we are used to. We are comfortable with what’s on our plate and don’t want to get burned or fried!

Okay, okay…I was tempted to keep on going with the food parallels. I found it funny. But I need to get to the point of what I am trying to remind myself of. People come in all shapes, colors and sizes. All of them have been created in the image of God. When you think about that…it makes God so much more complex and interesting. He can understand you AND the totally different person standing next to you. He is red, yellow, black and white…and all are precious in His sight. (Yes, an old Sunday school song).

Can we be just as interested as He is in the person next to us? No matter what flavor and color they are? Are we willing to try?


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