Porn for Women

I thought I would put up a title that would make you read further. Everyone loves a little scintillation…right? That’s what I’ve been told. It helps the marriage, makes it hotter…right? My question to you is, at what price? Isn’t that what porn if for? Spicing things up? “I don’t look at porn!” You say…that’s disgusting! Well…do you read romance novels? Novels that have some “action” in them? Does it get you all hot and bothered?

In the last few years there has been a glut of erotica released into the mainstream book market. They changed the category of these books…called it romance instead. The shades of grey trilogy leading the way. Women figured it was okay, it was endorsed by Oprah and Dr. Oz, after all. I worked at a bookstore and watched women coming in to buy the books, all ages and types of women. They were in a frenzy! I saw something really disturbing that was starting to grow. There was a lot of justification and excuse making going on. “Dr Oz said this would be the best thing for my marriage”, was a common theme. I must confess I was intrigued. My spirit was SCREAMING “NO!!!”…but the flesh was intrigued. I tried skimming through it to catch the “hot bits”…I couldn’t find them, instead I got nauseous. I felt like crying as I started to sense the downward spiral of our morality and dignity. So many of us would be furious if we caught our husband looking at porn, but I challenge you…isn’t this exactly the same??? Women are not visual, we are emotional and relational. Husbands won’t complain if you are reading this, it is literature after all. It makes their nights so much more fun. The only thing is…if you now need these books to get hot for your husband, don’t you sense that something is wrong?

I want to challenge women of faith. Look around you. Pray for a moral heart. Pray for the marriages that are crumbling because of pornography and dissatisfaction. Pray for your own marriage. Pray for the marriages of your church leadership. Just pray…


2 responses to “Porn for Women”

  1. Anne Lappalainen Avatar
    Anne Lappalainen

    Can only say wow to that and I totally agree!

  2. Phoenix Avatar

    Being a Sociology major I took many courses in Women’s studies…one of things that stuck with me was the numerous studies that directly linked pornography with the abuse of women. It has stuck with me and I have wondered why there is such a lack of woman of faith fighting against this. But slowly excepting that men are visual that they need to be stimulated….that looks and being sexy is key to keeping fires going and keeping your man. As you point out Sara it has lead to women needing to be aroused in a similar manner or at least learning to be a “porn star in the bedroom”. Seriously….I challenge all you who are on the fence of the subject to go to a home for battered woman here their stories. Read about the Sex trade that is happening in North America….the young Children that are being sold for a few dollars for their bodies.
    If we don’t stand up and say HELL no…who will. Will the world be held accountable for the blood..or will it be us who knew better…who chose to turn a blind eye or to go along with the lie. We are woman of God and we are worth way more than just a body….we are Worth something….because “WE FEAR THE LORD”. If we do nothing you better believe we will be held accountable.

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