We have had so much fodder for the late night talk shows lately. Politicians have become the butt of jokes and ridicule, all over the world. If we judge politicians according to what we see in the media, it feels like there is no hope for mankind. The lying, arrogance, and corruption just seems to be par for the course. We seem to love seeing them fail. After all, if they lied and cheated to get to where they are, shouldn’t they come crashing down…the louder the better?

Politics is something I don’t really understand. I don’t get what drives someone to go into the pursuit of a public office. But I do wish that there were more moral people that tried. I would also love to see more women in pursuit of office, be it at the city or regional level. Even to the office of federal government.

Isn’t there that quote out there somewhere? (I think that I have even used it in a blog.)

“The sure way for evil to prosper is for the righteous man (woman) to do nothing.”

We are content to sit on the sidelines and complain about the way things are going downhill. We see pension funds disappearing, health care becoming second rate, the education system failing…and all we do is blame the politicians. We see their large budgets and wonder where it all goes. We see the lobbyists bully and bribe the weak ones into laws that favor the large corporations.

What will it take to see a difference? I think that the balance needs to be tipped in a new direction.

“When it goes well with the righteous, the city rejoices; And when the wicked perish, there is jubilation. By the blessing of the upright the city is exalted, But it is overthrown by the mouth of the wicked. Where there is no counsel, the people fall; But in the multitude of counselors there is safety.” Proverbs 11:10, 11, 14 “Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin is a reproach to any people. Proverbs 14:34 NKJV

I don’t claim to be on the left, or the right…but I do believe that the right people can make the world of difference. The people who aren’t influenced by money or power. People who love their communities and countries. People with values that they aren’t afraid to stand up for. People of faith.

I won’t be someone who writes about this subject that often…but it has been sitting on my mind for a few months. I have friends and acquaintances who should run for office….and maybe this little blurb of mine might inspire them to do something. Maybe something that has been on their hearts for awhile. 🙂

We want to see a change…but we don’t want to be the ones to do it.

Maybe it’s time we become part of the solution…