“Before you criticise someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes.”
I know, I know…not the nicest quote, I just find it really funny. Warped sense of humor and all, and I know that there are a few of you that laughed as well. 🙂
We are human, we have critical thoughts about others. Some of us hide it better, and some of us pretend we don’t have a critical bone in our body. We hide it behind righteousness, and all of that “goodness”.
What does it take to really walk in someone else’s shoes? I must confess, I don’t know how to do it. Do I really know what is going on in someone else’s life? No, and I know that because people don’t really know what I am hiding. So many times we look down on other people’s choices and judge, even though we know only a fraction of what might have motivated them to make that choice.
Being judgmental seems to be the problem of many. I think that the more righteous we feel, the easier it is to lose compassion.
Jesus hung out with the people that needed Him, not the pharisees. He wasn’t interested in being with people who knew all the christian laws and rules of propriety. The “christians” of the land watched Jesus constantly. They saw Him breaking the laws of the sabbath, and saying things that made no sense to them. We, when we judge, do the same. We watch and wait for someone to mess up. It feels so good to feel vilified in our own eyes. Much easier to criticize someone else than work on our own heart.
So, before stealing someone’s shoes and running off with them, remember that you probably won’t go in a better direction than they were going. They were doing the best they could, with what they had. Ask yourself, before talking about anyone, “do I really know what is going on? Do I know why they made this choice? Are there hidden factors here, and what can I do to help?” If you don’t want to get in to help, then pray for them instead…it will also release you from the negative spirit that you are carrying.
I need this reminder most of all. The type of personality I have is very judgmental. I expect a lot from people, more than I expect from myself…and that isn’t a good combination. I enjoy criticizing, because it makes me feel a little better about my own stupid choices. Not good, not good at all. I guess this makes me a “typical christian”, but not someone who is like Jesus.
Please Lord, heal my heart. Make me more like you. Someone who wants to sit with the lost and be their friend. Someone who loves, and doesn’t judge. Someone who has no fear of the righteous/religious authorities and can quote the Word right back at them.
Someone who is always willing to carry someone else’s shoes….