There is that saying, “the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence”…and there is a part of us that knows it isn’t true, but we still don’t stop wishing we were there. Beautiful grass is the result of maintenance and water, somebody is taking care of it. Our side might be full of weeds, and we are tired of the weeding and watering…so we look elsewhere. We don’t see the work involved, we just see the result…and we covet it. It looks easy, after all.

Beautiful places and people are most often the result of work and maintenance. If we feed a negative attitude and sour expression then that is what the result of our life will be. Constantly giving fuel to negativity and bitterness results in a life that reflects negativity and bitterness. The weeds of unhappiness start to choke out our ability to absorb light and joy. There comes a point where we can’t even see anything good anymore. We give up and spread the rot to others. Eventually we start to notice that other people avoid us and eventually we start to lose friends.

Is there a way to discern if this is happening in our lives? Ask yourself these questions…1) Do I constantly look to see what others have, and wish I had it too? 2) Do I spend a lot of time wishing that my life was different, maybe like someone else’s? 3) Are people looking slightly panicky when they see me coming? 4) Do others get up and leave when I open my mouth to talk…or do they try to change the subject? 5) Do I always talk about the problems in my life to whomever will listen?
There are many questions that can be asked, but I’m sure you get the drift.

Taking care of yourself and your attitudes take constant work. Maybe your life isn”t all shiny and beautiful, but in reality you also can’t see what is truly going on in someone else’s either. Start looking inward and see what you can do to be the one everyone else wants to be…not the one they want to avoid. Take extra special care of your heart and mind. They reflect and grow from what you feed them. Use God’s word to feed them daily. Use uplifting music to feed your soul. Smile when you see people, and keep your mouth closed a little more often. Soon you will notice others coming to you and wanting to be around you. You will be a fine flower…a reflection of God’s perfect creation…someone who blooms!


2 responses to “Greener Grass?”

  1. I can almost hear your voice as I read your blogs. You are using your voice to instill eternal truths in the souls of others. It’s a pleasure to be reminded of so many topics that are so timely as we truly search our hearts with honesty. Thank you.

  2. Saara Leppanen Avatar
    Saara Leppanen

    Thank you, Pirkko, for your kind words. Observing the way people behave and how they believe is an endless source of fascination for me. We are all such a beautiful reflection of diversity and creation.

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