So many of us go through our lives not realizing that we are being watched. Our friends, coworkers and children watch us all the time. They watch our attitudes and the examples we set when facing challenges. It would be nice if they didn’t watch…then we could throw tantrums and spew venomous language out with no consequence. But, really we can’t. Or maybe I should say, we shouldn’t. So many of us do, and think it doesn’t really matter. But it always does.

When you are blessed with a position of authority it gets even tougher. Not only do they watch, they mimic. Even the bad stuff. Haven’t you ever used a bad word in front of a child and heard them repeat it over and over again, much to your embarrassment? As a boss or supervisor you set the tone at work. If you live a life that blurs the lines, so do the people working with you. When you’re dishonest and lazy, so are they. If you tolerate disrespect, you won’t also receive any respect.

For me the idea of spiritual authority holds the highest responsibility. We have seen so many leaders fall, and it affects our faith…in man, and in God. Each time just a little bit more. We see weakness in man and project it onto God. We then see God as weak and useless. Someone who plays favorites and other types of power games.

God doesn’t play games. He isn’t some puppeteer in the sky making us do things we don’t want to do. We make these choices ourself, based on the examples we have seen and learned from…those people we have watched. Quite often our choices seem like someone else has manipulated us into making…but no, we made them. We might not have had all the information we needed. Our motivations might have been skewed, but we made them…flaws and all.

Living a life that is worth watching is a goal I have now. After many mistakes and regrets, I feel that I am ready to live a life that is more open. I will still make bad choices, and say the wrong things…but how I live with those choices will determine my life. I want to only watch those people who have a life that I want to emulate. Seeing how they rise above challenges and come out with a smile. I will also remember that they are only human…and not judge them for behavior that I don’t agree with. Instead I will pray for them, and if they are in my sphere I will encourage them.

I know that I am setting myself up for something the enemy will fight. Even tomorrow I will have an opportunity to remind myself of what I said today. But, that’s alright. Jesus is with me every step of the way. He is a worthy example.


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