This title is from one of my favorite books. I have read it a few times, and I would recommend it to anyone. It’s written by Jim Palmer, a pastor who goes through a crisis and embarks on a journey. Through the book he writes about the people he meets along the road…people who make him believe in Jesus again. The beautiful thing is that these people are not other preachers or Christians…they are just ordinary people living with faith, and in the most ordinary of settings. What grabs me when I read this is…how do we live our regular lives in a way that reflects the love of Jesus?

How often do we mention our faith to our coworkers? I used to be so nervous about this moment…often anticipating ridicule or questions I couldn’t answer…so I would throw in a comment about church or about my parents being missionaries, just to get it all out of the way. If they chose to continue the conversation I would then continue. Other than that, it was out there…they knew I was some sort of “religious” person. Probably not the most effective form of witness, lol; but I figured that they could then judge me according to their preconceived ideas of Christianity, and I did end up having some great opportunities for honest conversation in the years to come. I do wish I had somehow been a more effective witness…but I hope and pray that maybe a seed was planted somewhere.

What can be done to make the conversation easier? We know that so many of our friends and coworkers are scared and lonely, searching for truth. Do they see it in us? Or do they hear us bad mouthing our pastor…if they even know we have one. Do they hear us swearing and gossiping, and being dishonest at work? Do they see laziness? Unfriendliness? Complaining?

Our challenge today is to start the journey of honesty. Tell people about your faith. Be honest with your own doubts and questions…that’s all they are looking for. An honest Christian!! A normal human, just like they are. Open up the dialogue of faith. There are many hints to pick up on and turn into a convention. So many people have questions. Eastern religions and Islam are rapidly becoming mainstream and embraced by our friends and coworkers. We can see it everywhere. Ask Jesus to help you…and He will bring the conversations to you. Trust me, it happens all the time…even if you’re not ready. Get ready for a new identity in Christ! Someone who seeks and obeys. There is no greater rush than sharing your faith. Try it!


2 responses to “Divine Nobodies”

  1. Pirkko Rytkonen Avatar
    Pirkko Rytkonen

    Great job in starting your own blog. I hope to have one also.

  2. Saara Leppanen Avatar
    Saara Leppanen

    Thanks Pirkko! I wish you the best. It is a lot of fun. Send me the link when you start!!

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