Category: Spiritual

  • Tracks…

    This morning had us driving the usual route to the nearest town. Time to pick up food and cash from the bank. The road isn’t good. There are potholes and bumps and large areas where rocks stick out. You have to be alert the entire time. Not only are you watching the road, you have…

  • Toxic Choices

    There are times when we can really see the consequences of the decisions we made when we were younger. For example…the career we have, the spouse beside us, and where we live. Often times those decisions were good. We would still choose the same career, the same spouse, and maybe even the same home. But,…

  • Woman!!!!

    Have you ever realized how much power you have as a woman? We raise the next generation of movers and shakers. We can influence men, and with that we can have a large say in how things are done…in government, church, and work. We also have so many opportunities to create a life of influence…

  • Listen Up!

    Have you noticed that we spend so much time thinking of ourselves, that we hardly hear a word that anyone else is saying? As a society we are so inwardly focused that life speeds by with out noticing what is happening in other lives. I think it telling when I read the comments under status…

  • Home

    How many of us are building a home? And what does the word “home” mean to you? Is it a building? Is it people? Is it a feeling? In this day and age the word has so many different meanings, each person has their own definition. For me home is where I am currently living.…

  • Daring…

    I found this great quote in my notebook. It was from a speech that came from Theodore Roosevelt. I found it compelling and so encouraging. I’d like to share it with you. While reading it, pay attention and ask what it can mean in your life… It is not the critic who counts; not the…