Category: Spiritual
Is there something festering inside of you? So many of us carry unforgiveness in our hearts, and it starts to stink. We can’t forgive someone from childhood, work, family or a previous relationship. It eats us up. It causes our blood pressure to rise when we think about it. Having this inside of us can…
The Enchantress…
We live in a world where sexual appearance and deviance is glorified constantly. We are bombarded with images of scantily clad people behaving as if they have no moral guidelines whatsoever. Cleavages and sex are shown on prime time television. Adultery is rampant. Teenage sexual behavior is accepted and promoted. Our little girls are wearing…
Sometimes I can’t get rid of a song, bible verse or poem out of my mind. Right now I feel that this dream bears repeating. It is so relevant as we struggle to walk the path set out for us. It’s good to remember that Jesus is there to carry us when our own legs…
Proverbs 31 Woman…
King Solomon writes about the ideal woman in this chapter. (Proverbs 31). It seems that the words are his mother’s…and she is, of course, Bathsheba!! I find that fascinating that the words of a someone who was part of the biggest scandal in Old Testament times has such a powerful say. Plus, she is a…
God Answers…
Yesterday I wrote about confusion and questions. Learning to be persistent in our prayers and honest with ourselves. What happens if God doesn’t seem to answer our prayers, or He does and we don’t like the answer? How does that affect our faith? I was reading in a devotional about a preacher that said, “He…