Category: prayer

  • Chicken as Cash…

    In Africa quite often the currency is livestock. Usually a chicken. We have been given a few as gifts and as payments for something. It is given out of the goodness and generosity of the heart…quite often to the financial pinch of a poor family. This last week we have received two. It is humbling…

  • Great Expectations

    My grandmother used to say, “expect not, and you will not be disappointed”! It’s funny because I at first I used to think that is sounds quite pessimistic, but have now come to realize that in many things it is a true statement. I have wasted many years in silent expectation. Wordlessly waiting for people…

  • Storms!

    All around us right now there is a monster storm. It probably sounds worse than it is…after all, we have a tin roof with no ceiling and screens for windows! It is fantastic to listen to. Can’t talk to anyone, just have to absorb the noise. I don’t do well with storms. I have an…

  • Imagination

    Are you living the life you imagined you would? When you were younger and your ideas of life were new, I’m sure they was a glimmer in your imagination about how it would all go. You could see a life of vivid color and amazing adventure. The people were full of love and there was…

  • It’s Mine!!

    So many times I catch myself wishing I was three years old and able to get away with that three year old behavior!!! I want to say “it’s mine” or “give it to me”…and snatch something from someone. Or just even say “I don’t like you”…and almost get away with it. Haha! Growing up is…

  • Seasons

    Facebook is full of people (my friends) eagerly watching for spring. I guess it’s late this year and many are fed up with the wait…as well as flabbergasted by all the snow. I can’t help but think how this reflects on how life also works. We spend so many of the seasons we live in…