Category: Wanderlust Blog
The Promised Land
During a conversation the other day, the topic came up about how so many people look to another place to be the answer to all of their problems. In this 3rd world country, they talk about how they want to move to “America”…so they can get a good job and become wealthy. There must be…
Her Name is Wisdom
Wisdom is underrated. We need it to navigate life’s path, and the choices we make can be enhanced when made with even an ounce of it. This last week, I have not been using my wisdom very well. I have let emotion get in the way of choices that I have made, and now need…
Traps and Snares
The enemy does not want us to succeed…not at all, not ever. And because of this, we find that every day is a new challenge to overcome his traps and snares. He lays them out in every direction. His only real challenge is to make sure we don’t see the traps, and don’t recognize the…
Actions Speak Louder than Words
I was on my way to being an alcoholic! Yes, maybe not one that you would have noticed, but one that needed alcohol to function. I was about 20 or so. I was in a job that I enjoyed, but it didn’t suit my personality. I was in constant stress. My hair would fall out…
Once again, we have a new year ahead of us. A new fresh start! How many resolutions must be made at this time, and how many of them do we fail to keep? I make new years resolutions every year, and then renew them about 4 more times throughout the year…and then forget them, and…
Screwtape Letters
I don’t know if you have read the “Screwtape Letters” by C.S. Lewis. It is a compilation of letters sent from a senior devil to his nephew, a junior one. The junior devil is in charge of a new christian, and he needs help trying to keep this man from really being an effective one.…