Category: Wanderlust Blog

  • “Fake it ’til you Make it”

    “Fake it ’til you Make it”

    I am constantly amazed at how some people use social media to promote their faith and beliefs. Don’t get me wrong…I think that we have a powerful platform with a captive audience, why not use it to tell the world what you believe. It shows a reflection of who we are, right? Or is it…

  • The Constant

    The Constant

    The Constant (blog) There have been about 4 weeks of blank brain space going on. Nothing seems to sink in…and definitely nothing of value seems to be coming out either. It has been hard to experience. And I confess that I have felt some despair over it as well. I started this year on such…

  • Cat and Mouse

    Cat and Mouse

    We need to have a cat here in Africa. As someone who is transient, committing to a pet is always difficult. But here, something needs to stop the never ending swarm of little critters in the kitchen. Mice, lizards, roaches…whatever they are, it’s not good to have them in the food stuff. Watching her in…

  • In Her Shoes

    In Her Shoes

    “Before you criticise someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes.” I know, I know…not the nicest quote, I just find it really funny. Warped sense of humor and all, and I know that there are…

  • G.I. Joe

    G.I. Joe

    When I was about 8 years old I received my first and only barbie doll. She was beautiful, with creamy skin and short curly hair. Hours were spent styling her and I made her so many clothes and earrings. She was a very lucky doll. Then at about 10 years old I started nagging my…

  • Two Bits

    Two Bits

    So many of us have grown up listening to sermons, petitions and pleas to help good causes. We have heard how it is biblical to tithe and to still give offerings on top of it all. The people telling us this give us examples of how The Lord has blessed them as they have given…and…