Category: Wanderlust Blog
A Better Place (Part 2)
Did you think about it? Is it possible to make the world a better place? Is it worth trying to live a life that is fully invested in the happiness of others? What’s in it for us? And should it matter? It should matter. It affects all of us, and all of our surroundings. It…
A Better Place (Part 1)
Do you ever have a visitor, that when they leave, you wish that they had stayed a little longer, and you still had a smile on your face when they waved goodbye? They left your home and heart a better place? You were encouraged and grateful that they had come by, and that they were…
“Enough” is Enough
All of us use words to describe what we think about ourselves. For some of us those words are “ashamed”, “stupid”, “ugly”, “unlovable”, and “unworthy”. I know that these words go through my head a lot…especially on those days when I experience something that confuses or embarrasses me. Living in the world we live in,…
The Willing Heart
There are many days when I have an un-willing heart. I don’t always want to hear God’s voice. I don’t always want to follow His path for me. I don’t always want to live in faith and wait for His guidance. I want to just be…and wallow in my own issues and needs. I want…
The Chameleon
My entire life has been a search for identity, and a search for a personality that I am comfortable in. I know that this is a common quest for many, as each of us has their own journey…but for me, I don’t know if this search will come to a satisfactory conclusion. There is a…
Stretch Marks
There are days when I look at my stretch marks and wish them away. It would be nice to wear a cuter bathing suit, or a hipper pair of jeans. I know it’s all about vanity, but I am human, and a woman…can’t help those moments. But these marks are here to stay, and I…