Category: journey

  • Heaven?

    “Proof of Heaven” is the name of the book I just finished. It seems to have been on the bestseller lists for a bit. It’s no wonder, people want to know if heaven exists and if there is an afterlife. Deep down, in our core, there is a longing for the connection to God. Does…

  • Generations….

    There is a funny quote about family…”Family is like fudge, mostly sweet mixed with a few nuts!” You have to admit it’s true, every family has its nuts and its skeletons. The fascinating thing is that they are in every family…and most don’t like to admit it. Maybe there is a fear that the family…

  • Blessing or Burden?

    Our second oldest has now left the nest. I went through the gamut of emotion. I felt sadness, relief, excitement, old age…and worry. Have I raised him well enough? Will he be able to survive in this nasty world? Did I fill him with confidence and self-worth? Is he going to be someone who makes…

  • Trust

    There are so many days where I get confused. This last week the plans that I had changed, and seemed to come apart at the seams. There was a sense of peace the entire time, but no solution cropped up. What to do? I believe that everything turns out the way it’s supposed to, but…

  • Cruise Control

    A few days ago I noticed that I had driven quite a distance without noticing a thing. Lost in my own thoughts, and the car was in cruise control…not a very safe method of travel. Fortunately I was on a good road and had no incidents to worry about. This made me think about how…

  • Potluck

    Our church had a potluck this last Sunday afternoon. I couldn’t help but notice that the food on the table is a direct example of how many types of people there are around us. This world is so diverse, and so colorful. We have sour, sweet, salty, soggy, high fat, lean, stiff, wilted, uncooked and…