Category: journey
The Willing Heart
There are many days when I have an un-willing heart. I don’t always want to hear God’s voice. I don’t always want to follow His path for me. I don’t always want to live in faith and wait for His guidance. I want to just be…and wallow in my own issues and needs. I want…
The Chameleon
My entire life has been a search for identity, and a search for a personality that I am comfortable in. I know that this is a common quest for many, as each of us has their own journey…but for me, I don’t know if this search will come to a satisfactory conclusion. There is a…
The Constant
The Constant (blog) There have been about 4 weeks of blank brain space going on. Nothing seems to sink in…and definitely nothing of value seems to be coming out either. It has been hard to experience. And I confess that I have felt some despair over it as well. I started this year on such…
In Her Shoes
“Before you criticise someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes.” I know, I know…not the nicest quote, I just find it really funny. Warped sense of humor and all, and I know that there are…
The Measure of Life
Right now we have 2 boys trying to decide what it is that they want to study. Life choices. Large ones, in some ways. These adult choices are the ones that will define the years of their adult life. Or do they really? As a 17 year old, there were very few classes in high…