Category: journey

  • Secrets and Lies

    There are many of us that had or have secrets that we want to keep hiding. From others and ourselves. We cover them up with lies and denial. We suffer the consequences…and usually those consequences are in our closest relationships. Getting close to God is almost impossible. We hide alcoholism, sexual perversion, sinful behavior and…

  • Grit

    I was eavesdropping on something my husband was listening to the other day. It was a TED talk about education. I perked up my ears, as I have such an interest in education…mostly because I feel the sting of not having one myself. Plus, we have been homeschooling for ten years now, so gleaning any…

  • Fluff

    I must confess that I fill a lot of time with fluff. I have the link to people magazine on my iPad, and check it daily, sometimes twice. I try to hide it when my family walks by…haha…I think they know. I won’t ask. Better to live with this delusion. I know way too many…

  • Music!

    Have you ever heard a new song, and the endorphins kick in, and there is this rush of pure happiness? Studies have shown that our brains get a chemical reaction from hearing a new song for the very first time. Click here to read more about it. I know it’s true for me.

  • Repetition

    Why do we keep repeating behavior that doesn’t work? The definition of stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. (I didn’t make that up) Many of us are caught in this pattern of behavior. We wonder why nothing changes? Our relationships always go the same way. Ending in…

  • Tracks…

    This morning had us driving the usual route to the nearest town. Time to pick up food and cash from the bank. The road isn’t good. There are potholes and bumps and large areas where rocks stick out. You have to be alert the entire time. Not only are you watching the road, you have…