Category: general
Growing up…
Remember when you were young…and life was so full of complicated choices? Has it changed? I’m 45 and still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up! I used to think that I would have it figured out. I can decide what it is I want to do and then…
“Woe is me…can’t anyone see how hard I am working for…..(fill in the blank)!!!? Can’t they see how I am sacrificing for the good of the cause? Why am I not getting more recognition and praise?” How often does litany this go through our minds? And why? Is it because we are suffering from the…
As mothers we have a constant demand on our time and our emotions. So many of us can’t let ourselves rest and relax. We run ourselves ragged. We live in the world of guilt…why can’t we be better mothers? Why do I act like a child myself? I find myself comparing my mothering skills to…
Crisis of faith
Not so many years ago I had a crisis of faith. I stopped believing in God and all I had ever believed in. It almost felt like a relief. No more pressure to be good and strive for eternal life. I had spent my life watching my parents devoting themselves to ministry and it looked…
My wedding was a blur. Due to my extreme fear of being in large groups and being the center of attention…it was a scary experience. My groom was ignored that day as I shook my way through the ceremony and reception. Something I can’t go back and change. Not that I would…it was my day…