Category: general
There is an old Sunday school song that goes through my head whenever I start to really worry… “Why worry when you can pray? Trust Jesus, He’ll with you stay. Don’t be a doubting Thomas, Rest fully on His promise. Why worry, worry, worry, worry, When you can pray!!” It’s a spontaneous jingle…and it’s true!…
There are days that I am absolutely blank. These are the days that I just function and try to control my thoughts and emotions…these are the days filled with PMS! They don’t work out very well, unless you count a cleaning frenzy useful. I find myself snapping at my kids, planning my husbands demise and…
These last posts may have seemed a bit heavy. As I confess all my deep dark secrets the readership stops altogether! Hahaa!! I understand. I don’t know if I would want to read it either. The only reason I started this blog is because I had a few friends that encouraged it. It is good…
The Dark Side
I have a dark side…one I battle with frequently. (For those of you that know me…it’s not my humor!! Even though that can be pretty dark too!!). Depression hits me quite often. Through self analysis and calendar tracking I can tell it’s not always hormonal either. It can occur on the sunniest of days for…
Test = Testimony
For most of my adult life I have struggled with one major issue. (Disclaimer…there are many minor ones as well 🙂 ) I have yet to triumph over it. There are glimmers in the distance future…it will be something that I can turn into my testimony. This might sound a bit off to some, but…
“Welcome to Holland” by Emily Kingsley
This essay was read at the missions conference I was just at. The lady reading it has a child with a disability. It resonated with me as well. This essay describes the loss of dreams, and how we can adjust to them. I could relate on a different level. I posted it as I thought…