Category: general

  • Pride and Prejudice

    At yesterday’s bible study we were talking about pride and selfishness. (I must admit that I made a few remarks that weren’t so spiritual…more psychological…but even then it was a good lesson for me.) We are quick to brush off what we call “normal human emotion” is inconsequential, when it clearly states in the Bible…

  • Seasons

    Facebook is full of people (my friends) eagerly watching for spring. I guess it’s late this year and many are fed up with the wait…as well as flabbergasted by all the snow. I can’t help but think how this reflects on how life also works. We spend so many of the seasons we live in…

  • Gifts

    What is your gift? I’m not talking about spiritual gifts at this point. Are you musical, artistic, good at dance? Are you good at growing things or baking things? Do you enjoy crafts? Decorating? Designing? Maybe writing? Drawing or photography? Have you developed any hobbies that relax you and give you sense of satisfaction? And…have…

  • Language of Love…

    Books and I go back almost 40 years. It has, and continues to be a fantastic relationship. However…there are only a few that have stuck with me through the years. One of them comes to mind when I thought about this blog. It’s the book, “5 Love Languages” , by Gary Chapman. I’m sure most…

  • Standing Apart

    The other day I had a high school moment. I said hello to someone and they avoided eye contact and barely spoke to me. There was a sudden feeling of inadequacy that came over me….what did I do? Wasn’t I cool enough? Was she avoiding conversation because I wasn’t invited to something that I knew…

  • Noise

    Living in the middle of an African village is a noisy place to be. There is noise from 6 in the morning to midnight…quite often, even during the night, I wake up to animals fighting or drunks yelling! I’ve noticed it affects my state of mind…it gets muddled and confused. My thoughts can’t settle onto…