Category: general

  • Imagination

    Are you living the life you imagined you would? When you were younger and your ideas of life were new, I’m sure they was a glimmer in your imagination about how it would all go. You could see a life of vivid color and amazing adventure. The people were full of love and there was…

  • Divine Nobodies

    This title is from one of my favorite books. I have read it a few times, and I would recommend it to anyone. It’s written by Jim Palmer, a pastor who goes through a crisis and embarks on a journey. Through the book he writes about the people he meets along the road…people who make…

  • Identity

    How do we see ourselves? What do we tell ourselves? Are you the artist, the jock, the pretty one, the funny one…maybe even the invisible one?? So much of our behavior is tied into how we see ourselves and how we think others perceive us. Quite often this identity is formed very young. It can…

  • Square Footage

    Are you just as happy in 600 square feet as you are in 6000 square feet? Driving a old Chevy vs a new BMW? Can someone be happy with less with this constant bombardment of advertising, and the constant comparisons between friends, coworkers and families. It’s tiring and disheartening at times. If you’re successful, you…

  • It’s Mine!!

    So many times I catch myself wishing I was three years old and able to get away with that three year old behavior!!! I want to say “it’s mine” or “give it to me”…and snatch something from someone. Or just even say “I don’t like you”…and almost get away with it. Haha! Growing up is…

  • Mom & Pop

    There was a quote that stayed with me recently. “The ceiling of one generation is the floor the next one can build on.” It might be slightly paraphrased…but you get the idea. So many of us look at the generation we are not in and think…”what do they know?” Either you are in a group…