Category: cultural
This word is used a lot…our society seems to admire people that burn themselves out with work and responsibility. Well, these last few months I think that I burned myself out. I trusted myself more than God. I worked 10-12 hours a day trying to get further. Traveling to different towns to meet people and…
Blessing or Burden?
Our second oldest has now left the nest. I went through the gamut of emotion. I felt sadness, relief, excitement, old age…and worry. Have I raised him well enough? Will he be able to survive in this nasty world? Did I fill him with confidence and self-worth? Is he going to be someone who makes…
Our church had a potluck this last Sunday afternoon. I couldn’t help but notice that the food on the table is a direct example of how many types of people there are around us. This world is so diverse, and so colorful. We have sour, sweet, salty, soggy, high fat, lean, stiff, wilted, uncooked and…
Listening to podcasts is a great way to learn while doing something else. Multitasking. We women are good at that. I listen to them while I sit at my machine sewing. There are so many ways to absorb good teaching, and this is one of my favorites. This quote came up in one that I…
Smelling Roses
The last month or so I have been working non-stop on my projects. There are many events that I have promised to make my bags for…each one an opportunity for fundraising and spreading awareness for our work. It is exciting and at the same time I have found myself consumed with it. For 12 or…