Author: Sara Maxwell

  • Faces


    I have noticed that I am a different person with different people. It is subtle, but noticeable to me now that I am trying to be more aware of my motives and thought processes. With my parents I behave more like a child. With my children I have more of a parent face, and they…

  • The Measure of Life

    The Measure of Life

    Right now we have 2 boys trying to decide what it is that they want to study. Life choices. Large ones, in some ways. These adult choices are the ones that will define the years of their adult life. Or do they really? As a 17 year old, there were very few classes in high…

  • Love and Truth

    Love and Truth

    The other day I was given the gift of music. (These things make us so happy here in the bush!) I chose an album that my son recommended and there were a few songs on there that touched me to the core. One of the songs was, “Loving You With the Truth.” It talks about…

  • How Does Your Garden Grow?

    How Does Your Garden Grow?

    We are working on our garden here in Tanzania. There are bananas, papayas, watermelon, spinach, peppers…etc…the list goes on for a bit. Some of our attempts result in something that we can eat, and some result in bug infested failures. And there are also those which don’t even start to grow. It all takes time,…

  • Under His Wings

    Under His Wings

    Living in a small village in Africa has its wealth of different experiences. Last night we experienced the second “mini-riot” within a one year period. Listening to the yelling and chanting, knowing that we are only a few feet from it all, makes one fear for ones safety. Seeing the police pull out their guns…

  • Rainy Season

    Rainy Season

    When it’s rainy season, I start to shiver and shake. The damp and cold go right through the bones. The roads are muddy, and often impassable. The house leaks and we have to be ready to mop, depending on what direction the rains come from, because here…the storms come from all directions. Never know. Just…