The more you travel and meet people from different cultures, the smaller your world becomes. As you embrace the differences in food, language, history and culture you can’t help but notice all the similarities as well. We all want shelter, food, clothing, a healthy family, and a way to support our family. We all want to find love and be loved. We want to believe in something bigger than ourselves. We play and imagine as children, create drama as teenagers and try to succeed as adults.
Can you imagine what this world would be like if we tried to see similarities instead of differences? If we didn’t see color or social class? When we meet someone new, we actually see them with the eyes of Jesus? This person is loved by Him as are we…! How much less hate, pride and bigotry we would experience.
You know that we don’t need to travel to meet these people. They are the ones sitting next to us in church. The ones with blue hair and multiple piercings behind us in the grocery line. They are the ones struggling at the shelter-house, and the lonely ones at the seniors home. They are all colors, shapes, and sizes….and they are just like you and me!! What can we do?? And what can we say to make a diffence?
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