Tag: choices

  • The Measure of Life

    The Measure of Life

    Right now we have 2 boys trying to decide what it is that they want to study. Life choices. Large ones, in some ways. These adult choices are the ones that will define the years of their adult life. Or do they really? As a 17 year old, there were very few classes in high…

  • Her Name is Wisdom

    Her Name is Wisdom

    Wisdom is underrated. We need it to navigate life’s path, and the choices we make can be enhanced when made with even an ounce of it. This last week, I have not been using my wisdom very well. I have let emotion get in the way of choices that I have made, and now need…

  • Grown Up?

    What, in your opinion, defines “grown up”? I think about this quite a bit, as there are many days when I don’t know if I have even grown up yet! Does it mean that we have evolved past high school issues, or is that even possible? So many times I find myself overwhelmed with grown…

  • Toxic Choices

    There are times when we can really see the consequences of the decisions we made when we were younger. For example…the career we have, the spouse beside us, and where we live. Often times those decisions were good. We would still choose the same career, the same spouse, and maybe even the same home. But,…

  • Mom & Pop

    There was a quote that stayed with me recently. “The ceiling of one generation is the floor the next one can build on.” It might be slightly paraphrased…but you get the idea. So many of us look at the generation we are not in and think…”what do they know?” Either you are in a group…