We are surrounded by a society that promises us a quick fix…rapid weight loss, instant relationship change, and how to get rich fast. I know that they don’t work. I have them. And over time I’ve tried enough of them to know that they are just headlines to sell books and magazines. If it took you ten years to gain 50 pounds, do you think it will come off in a month? If it took you 5 years to max out your credit cards, then does it make sense that you can pay them off in a week?

We are addicted to the fast paced life, and quick fixes. We try these one week weight loss schemes. Sure, things happen…usually because your body goes into starvation mode. We buy lottery tickets. We extend our debts to pay off other debts. We attend weekend relationship programs. Detox centers are popping up everywhere.

Nothing of value comes quickly. Be it a good career, health and fitness, a good relationship. It takes months, years even. It takes diligence and hard work. One needs the attitude of a marathon runner, not a sprinter. It’s hard to stick to something when it doesn’t happen quickly…and that’s where the problem lies. We quit when we don’t see results within days or even months. It’s a vicious cycle of trying and quitting, eventually leading many to stop trying altogether…and then settling for mediocrity and self recrimination.

There are so many studies showing that writing down our goals and dreams makes the biggest difference. We need to see them written down, with steps to follow. Something little for every day. When we look down the road it seems overwhelming, so just stick to one day at a time. Start small. Tweak just one habit at a time. And give yourself realistic goals. Understand that it could take years. Be willing to do the time.

What can I do today that will make a difference for the year I turn 50? I know that time goes quickly. It goes whether we try to make a difference in our lives or not. I don’t want to settle for mediocrity. I wasn’t created for it, and neither were you. We were created for a life of excellence and meaning. We were created to make a difference in God’s kingdom. Today can be that day we start….


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