Pride and Prejudice

At yesterday’s bible study we were talking about pride and selfishness. (I must admit that I made a few remarks that weren’t so spiritual…more psychological…but even then it was a good lesson for me.) We are quick to brush off what we call “normal human emotion” is inconsequential, when it clearly states in the Bible that they are wrong. God find them an abomination. (Proverbs 16:5). A really strong word, wouldn’t you say?? Pride is a trap that we struggle with a lot. And quite a few things come into this category. We easily fall into self-righteousness, especially if we are more educated than most, or if we are in church leadership. We fight about our doctrine…after all, what we believe is right!! “Others don’t really know what they are talking about!” We are proud of our achievements, without acknowledging that what talents we have are a gift from God, our Creator. Have an independent spirit doesn’t seem like it could be wrong, but in this instance it comes down to two things…resistance to authority and having an unteachable attitude. Proverbs 5:1 “My child, be attentive to my wisdom, and to my understanding incline your ear.” It is always important to have a humble spirit and an open mind so we can learn from the Word and from others.

Living with racism and prejudice is something that we are used to, while also being unaware of how prevalent it is. It’s easier to see when living in a foreign country, a place where you are so you can help the needy. But it is rampant in our own countries and cities as well. We can have prejudices against other people because of race, social-status, financial status, even going so far as holding someone’s looks against them. It is quite often subtle and easily brushed off. Most of us won’t even admit to ourselves what we are prejudiced against. We can also be so proud of our own goals and achievements that we don’t want to be around “underachievers” or people who “cramp our style”…more common than you think…and this condition rages throughout the Christian community as well.

I hope and pray that this is something that I can work on in myself on a daily basis. I know that I am full of pride…and prejudice…and I don’t want to be. There needs to be a constant awareness and humbleness that stays in my soul and spirit. My prayer is that we can all examine our hearts. Don’t be scared of the filth that you see. Cleansing is vital if we are to be an effective witness for Jesus. Lets be honest with ourselves. Even going so far as communicating this to someone you can trust…someone who can hold you accountable. All of us can be used to further God’s purpose. Don’t let pride get in the way.


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